Friday 9 December 2016

Demonetization - Frequently Asked Questions

I have been hearing that Pune real estate prices will fall due to demonetization. Is that true? Will home prices come down? No, because:

       I.         the Pune property market primarily is driven by home loans and has no cash component in its transactions. There is no chance of prices coming down in the Pune property market as a result of demonetization. Moreover, property prices have grown by just 4.3% (Y o Y) in Pune in the last 4 years – much lesser than the rate of inflation (6% +) & are closer to circle rates. Is there scope for further drop? No.

  II.    The home loan interest rates likely to reduce further. With inflation coming down and demonetization increasing the money supply to banks, the interest rates are likely to reduce. This will have a positive impact on the demand for homes. With lower supplies and higher demand, the prices are bound to go up.

   III.         Developers in Pune have acquired lands at higher costs, input costs of construction have gone up in the last few years. With RERA around the corner, builders will comply & cost of compliance will squeeze margins further. Also, the supply will fall after RERA’s introduction, leading to rise in prices.

   IV.         Over the years, the ready reckoner value of properties in Pune has been regularly revised and now the government valuations of properties are very close or in cases even more than the market price e.g. in Moshi & Chikli. So, even if demonetization reduces the demand for real estate, transactions below ready reckoner value does not get registered by the authorities. This, again, will ensure that prices remain high in Pune.

     V.         It is more likely that cost of under construction residential unit will increase post GST implementation. Giving further rise to the prices.

   VI.         Today, with significant efforts taken by the Govt., institutional funds dominate funding real estate sector in the form of lending developers as well as housing finance for home purchasers. It creates more transparency and no latent returns, impacting no price drops as returns to the lenders are fix and transparent.

So, is now a good time to buy a property in Pune?

A big resounding YES! Why? Especially if you are going to opt for a home loan. With home loan rates expected to come down very soon, EMIs will go down considerably making homes cheaper or can get you a bigger home @ same price. It’s now up to smart buyers to make use of the opportunity.  The media channels claiming price drop majorly in secondary market, can not hold the prices in Pune’s primary market to go up.

Thursday 1 September 2016

Investment Opportunity, Comfortable living, Affordable Pricing and 'Half More', Shikhrapur – Pune’s Investment Cynosure

Investment Opportunity, Comfortable living, Affordable Pricing and 'Half More', Shikhrapur – Pune’s Investment Cynosure

Hidden amidst the lush countryside of Pune district and against the banks of the V
el River, resides the town of Shikhrapur. Strategically located at the intersection of two state highways, the area has been traditionally attracting industrial giants, with many establishing their factories, warehouses and plants. Ever since, the area has risen to popularity in the local geography and earned the title of an industrial hub.

Owing to the industrial parks of Ranjangaon, Chakan and Bhosari and its economic activity, coupled with higher employment opportunities and accelerated development, the demand for housing solutions is a case of natural progression for Shikhrapur. The project by the renowned brand Ishwar Parmar Group called Ishwar Vinati Comfort Homes meets Ishwar Vinati Project by Ishwar Parmar Groupexact criteria for all home seekers, working primarily in the industrial parks around. The project spans over an area of over 3 Acres, and is designed to offer you 'an extra room more' in the spacious 0.5, 1 and 1.5 BHK apartments. The idea is to give single- occupancy buyers the flexibility of 'a half room more' or nuclear families to move onto a larger home with just marginal increment in cost.

Interestingly, the project blends the ideal requisites of affordable pricing and superior living. A three tower structure with amenities like club house, multipurpose hall, walking pathways, multipurpose court, open amphitheatre, water treatment plant, solar water heating, and power back-up for common areas lends this property a high quality ambience. Ishwar Vinati Comfort Homes, as the name suggests, are architecturally planned to ensure comfort and convenience. By incorporating the brand's highlight points of aesthetic design style, planned floor plans and natural elements like light and ventilation into the interiors of every flat, it lives up to the commitment of providing 'Great' habitats.

Located 37 kms away from Pune city, with airport and railways station at a distance of 34 and 37 kms respectively, the convenience of mobility and transport for personal and commercial operation is fairly easy for inhabitants in the area. Introduction of high-efficiency Bus Rapid Transport System also makes intra-travel an easy and eco-friendly alternative. The presence of
schools, colleges, hospitals and entertainment avenues further makes this an ideal locale for residential living.

For those looking for steady appreciation, second homes options or lucrative rental opportunities, this project is one you should not ignore. Located adjacent to the Nagar Road, ahead of Wagholi, this densely populated area is termed the second fastest growing destination after PCMC. The potential for commercial development and urban prosperity will ensure steady appreciation in the value of property for someone with an eye for ROI.

With easy financial plans, user experience in mind and a service team dedicated to customer needs, Brand IPG properties have always had the reputation of quality constructions over the years, for home seekers planning to reside. Moreover, the brand value of IPG assures the buyer timely possession, transparency and reliable construction.

Shikhrapur boasts of escalating industrial interest in the area as it falls under most of the proposed and commissioned state government initiatives and already has infrastructure projects like ring road and gas pipeline in the implementation stage. Around the city of Pune and its glorified suburban periphery, Shikhrapur rising as the hub of real estate opportunities. To own a place here isn't one to be turned down!

Sunday 5 June 2016


                “Ishwar Parmar Group” felicitated by Hon. Shri. Sharad Pawar for building multiple schools                       for Pune District Education Association.
Our CMD Mr. Ishwar Parmar has been actively involved with Pune Jilha Shikshan Mandal for building of various schools in Pune as part of his community building initiative. The newest addition, Mundhwa School stands tall and proud with an additional responsibility to educate and support the female child.
In a glorious ceremony, Shri Sharad Pawar expressed that “I am grateful to Shri Ishwar Parmar for he has selflessly supported the construction of this school building on my request and the request of Pune District Education Association.” I expect Ishwar Parmar Group to continue the good work towards the progress of education and towards providing good facilities to students”.
“I am thankful to Shri Ishwar Parmar for giving always priority to social causes and for the contributions made in this regard especially in the support to education sector” said Shri Ajit Pawar, Chairman of Pune District Education Association.
Besides the construction of Mundhwa School, Shri Ishwar Parmar has played a crucial role in construction of Mahatma Gandhi Vidyalaya at Khanapur and Priyadarshini School at Maharshi Nagar. The intention of Chairman of Ishwar Parmar Group Shri Ishwar Parmar is to provide better education by way of providing good facilities to students. He is always striving to fulfill this intention by way of such activities.

Friday 11 March 2016

'माझं घर....Women's Day Special

'माझं घर....


चांगलं झालं ड्राय बाल्कनी आहे घराला..., अरे ते पाहिलं ना किचन अगदी परफेक्ट आहे ते... रूम्स देखील पुरेशा मोठ्या आहेत. झालं घर फायनल आता. हे सर्व विचार ‘तिच्या’ मनातले आहेत... एखादं घर घेत असताना ते एका घरातल्या स्त्रीच्या दृष्टीने परफेक्ट असायलाच हवे. घराला घरपण एक स्त्रीच देते. त्यामुळे आपले घर निवडताना ती खूप
बारकाईने पाहते, विचार करते. आणि मगच आपलं मत देते.स्वयंपाकघरात हवी तशी सोय आहे का?, हवी तशी जागा आहे का?,घर हवेशीर आहे की नाही हे सर्व बघूनच ती घरखरेदीचा निर्णय घेते.पाहूया अशा कुठल्या गोष्टी आहे ज्यामुळे तिला घरकुल हवेहवसे वाटते...

१. एैस-पैस स्वयंपाकघर :

स्त्रीसाठी घरात सर्वात महत्वपूर्ण ठिकाण म्हणजे स्वयंपाकघर. आजचीस्त्री स्वयंपाकघरात जरी आपला सगळाच वेळ घालवत नसली तरी सुद्धा तिला तिचं स्वयंपाकघर अगदी तिला हवं तसं हवेशीर, मोकळी जागा असलेले आणि सगळ्या सोई-सुविधांनी युक्त असं हवं...त्यामध्ये सोईच्या ठिकाणी ‘इलेक्ट्रिसिटी स्विचेस’ असायला हवेत. जेणेकरुन ‘फ्रीज’ ‘माइक्रोवेव्ह’ आणि ‘मिक्सर’ सोईस्करिरत्या ठेवता येईल.विविध सामान ठेवण्यासाठी केलेले कप्पे, ‘मॉड्यूलर किचन‘, ‘क्रॉकरी’साठी वेगळे कपाट अशा सर्व सुविधा स्वयंपाकघरात असायलाच हव्यात. नवीन घर घेताना जागेनुसार काय कुठे  ठेवायचे हे गणित तिच्या मनात आधीच पक्के असते.

२. ड्राय बाल्कनी :

काळ बदलला तसे घर बांधणाच्या पद्धतीत आणि प्रकारांमध्ये देखील बदल झाला. सध्या घरांमध्ये ड्राय बाल्कनीचा ट्रेंड दिसतो. स्वयंपाकघराला लागूनच ही बाल्कनी असते. यामध्ये धुणी- भांडी करण्याची व्यवस्था, धुतलेले कपडे वाळत घालण्याची व्यवस्था असते. छोटी झाडे, रोपटे ठेवून या ‘ड्राय बाल्कनी’ला सुंदर सजवता येवू शकते. ही बाल्कनी स्त्रियांच्या दृष्टीने खूप महत्वाची असते.

३. बेडरूम :

घरातील इतर भाग जितके महत्वाचे असतात, तितकीच किंबहुना त्याहून जास्त महत्वाची खोली बेडरूम असते. येथे आल्यावर दिवसभराचा थकवा निघून जावा असे वाटले पाहिजे. यासाठी खोलीचा रंग, आवडीनुसार पलंग,  कपाटांचे ठिकाण, पुस्तक वाचण्याची आवड असलेल्यांनी खिडकी जवळच आरामात बसण्यासाठी एक विशेष जागा असे सगळे विचारात घेवून ती आपली खोली सजवते. त्यामधील पडदे, भिंतींचे रंग कुठले असतील, कपाटं कुठे असतील, बेड कुठल्या प्रकारचा असेल. हे सर्व डोक्यात ठेवून झोपण्याच्या खोलीची निवड करण्यात येते. आणि जर झोपण्याची खोली हवी तशी नसली तर ते घर घेणे ‘कॅन्सल’ सुद्धा हवू शकते बरं का...

४. मोकळी जागा आणि हवेशीरपणा :

घर जर खूप सुटसुटीत नसेल तर ते तीला कधीच आवणार नाही. घर हे हवेशीर असले पाहीजे. यामध्ये ‘क्रॉस व्हेंटिलेशन’ला जागा आहे की नाही. आरामशीर खिडक्या आणि सुंदर बाल्कनी आहे की नाही. या सर्व गोष्टींकडे घरातील महिलेचे बारकाईने लक्ष असते. घराच्या आजूबाजूला थोडी मोकळी जागा असणे, त्यामध्ये आवडीनुसार छोटी बाग करणे किंवा घरासमोरच्या जागेत झोपाळा लावणे ही छोटी छोटी स्वप्न प्रत्येकाच स्त्रीच्या मनात असतात. आणि नवीन घर घेत असताना आपले प्रत्येक स्वप्न पूर्ण व्हावे असे देखील तिला वाटणे साहाजिक आहे. म्हणून मोकळी जागा आणि हवेशीरपणा घरात असणे महत्वाचे आहे.

५. सुरक्षा :

महिलांच्या दृष्टीने सुरक्षा हा सर्वात महत्वाचा मुद्दा असतो. नवीन फ्लॅट असल्यास तो सुरक्षित प्रकल्पांमध्ये आहे की नाही, शेजार चांगले आहे की नाही. सोसायटी पर्यावरण पूरक हे का, तेथे विविध सुख सुविधा आणि सुरक्षेची व्यवस्था आहे की नाही या सर्व गोष्टींकडे महिलांचे मु‘य लक्ष असते. सुरक्षा असल्याशिवाय ते घर कितीही चांगले असले तरी ती हो म्हणणारच नाही.

७. लॉन किंवा बागेसाठी जागा :

स्त्रियांना निसर्गाविषयी विशेष प्रेम असते. आपल्या घरात छोटी बाग, किचन गार्डन, किंवा संध्याकाळी चहा पिण्यासाठी एखादा छोटा लॉन असणे तीचे स्वप्न असते. त्यामुळे घर घेताना जर अशी जागा असेल तर ते घर ‘फायनल’ झालंच म्हणून समजा. जर घर समृद्ध ठेवायचे असेल तर त्यात घरातील स्त्री आनंदी असणे खूप आवश्यक असते. घराला घरपण देण्यासाठी या काही गोष्टींकडे स्त्रियांचे बारकाईने लक्ष असते आणि या महत्वाच्या गोष्टींना डोळ्या समोर ठेवूनच ती घर घेण्यासाठी राजी होते.

ईश्‍वर परमार ग्रुपचे ‘कुटुंबकेंद्रित’ प्रकल्प याशिवाय तिच्या चिमुकल्यांना खेळण्यासाठी जागा,बाजारपेठ,हॉस्पीटल,शाळा, कॉलेज ही दररोजची आवश्यक ठिकाणे सुद्धा जवळ असणे घरातल्या स्त्रीला अपेक्षितच असतात. ती तिच्या अपेक्षांशी तडजोड कधीच करीत नाही. आणि मी देखील एक महिला म्हणून सर्वांगिण विचार करूनच मी माझ्या प्रकल्पांमधील घरांची रचना, तिथल्या सुख-सुविधांचा निर्णय घेते. एक महिला म्हणून मी स्वतःला भाग्यशाली समजते की, घराची उभारणी करताना मी माझ्यासारख्या असंख्य ‘कर्तव्यदक्ष’ सखींचा विचार करते याचा...एका महिलेने वरती व्यक्त केलेल्या सर्व अपेक्षा तुम्हाला ‘ईश्‍वर परमार ग्रुप’ प्रकल्पांमधून असताना वा पूर्ण होत असताना दिसतील. ‘रिव्हर रेसिडन्सी’ प्रकल्पातही या व यासारख्या आवश्यक इतर सर्वच सुविधांचा विचार केला गेला आहे.

Tuesday 11 August 2015

Moshi - A Smart location in PCMC, Pune

Key points highlight Advantage Moshi as a property location or place to stay.
  • Moshi is just very close to Nashik road/Highway. Thus all the properties in Moshi have easy connectivity and access to the main road which is very well done up.
  • Nashik Phata is just 18-20 minutes of drive wherein you connect to Hinjewadi,Aundh,Baner etc using the flyover or Shivajinagar and Pimpri is easily accessible.
  • Talawade IT Park is just 10 minutes drive from Moshi, thus making it very convenient place to own a home especially for people who work in companies like Cap Gemini, Syntel and other IT Companies based in Talawade IT Park.
  • Chakan is hardly 20 minutes drive. Chakan is one of the larget industrial hub and has a huge employment opportunities with top MNC’s having there production facilities.
  • Marriot Courtyard at Chakan is a easy drive and so are other locations of fun,leisure and sports activity.
  • Bhosari industrial area which has companies like TATA Motors,Bajaj etc are all within 10-20 minutes of drive.
  • Alandi and DY Patil college is hardly 5-10 minutes drive.
  • Price advantage as compared to other micro markets of similar sizes.

Friday 12 June 2015

#MonsoonTips - Lets Make Monsoon memorable with some handy tips.

If we say monsoon is the only season which is loved by one and all, we’d be backed by everybody. All the dull, warm streets and forests get a green and colorful makeover. It is the season of beauty and love.
With all the fun, beauty, and picturesque view, also comes the trouble with a lot of difficulties. Don’t let the trouble hamper your joy for the most lovable season. Make your Monsoon season memorable with some handy tips.

1.      Fix those leakages and cracks in ceiling and walls
It is always preferable to get those leakages and cracks fixed in your house before the rain water start pouring out in your house. Give a makeover to your house and enjoy the rainy season having just fun.

2.      Cover up the switches and replace the damaged electrical cords
Right before the showers start, cover all those switches which can be affected by rain water. Monsoon brings humidity and leaves everything with moisture which cause electric shocks.

3.      To avoid the swelling of wooden furniture, polish and wax them.
This monsoon keep your classic and antique wooden furniture in their original size and shape. Coat them with a layer of polish and wax to keep them safe from moisture and swelling.

4.      Roll in your expensive carpets and store them someplace dry
With the first rain, comes dirty feet inside the house and ruins everything. The first job before the monsoon starts should be to curl up all those expensive carpets from your living area and store them in some dry place.

5.      Avoid Dampness by installing new ventilators.
Nobody likes a house which stinks with the dampness left after the rains. Get rid of the outcomes before monsoon arrives, get some new ventilators installed along with some nice automatic fragrance sprays.

6.      Do not let water stagnate.
No doubt we all love to enjoy and bathe in rain water but we must ensure that the water doesn’t stag. The stagnant water gives rise to n number of germs and diseases which are harmful.

7.      Pest control before rainy season is a must.
It is said that all the insects and pests double up in monsoon season, so do the chances of falling sick. To prevent yourself from all the diseases and visiting your doctor again and again, get the pest control done before the season marks its presence.

8.     Enjoy the weather on your porch with some chai and bhajiya
Make the best of memories this monsoon season with your family. Sip “Garma Garam Chai and Bhajiya” while you enjoy the thunder and storm in your balcony.

9.      Go on long drives and vacation to hill stations
Best way to spend your weekends during the rainy season is to take short trips to nearby hill stations, lakes and forests. Monsoon and a lake side picnic with your family is always a heads up.

1.  Feast on a lot of seasonal fruits and veggies.
Lastly, you’ll see the markets blooming with all the exotic seasonal vegetables and fruits for which we wait for another 365 days. Go ahead and enjoy them before the season and the yumminess comes to an end.

Sunday 7 June 2015


Home is a place that gives you unconditional love, happiness and comfort. It is the place where you can bury your sorrows and shame without guilt. To feel homely, you don’t need to the trappings of opulence. It’s the biggest investment decision of your life and will take up most of your savings. Now you need to find the property that’s the perfect fit for you, your family and guests.

Prime Hub (Future in Perspective): It is not necessary that project on main roads has location advantage; down the line, after some years it shouldn’t be the case that you realize that you have done a mistake by selecting Residential Project located on the main road because of increased traffic sound and commercial activities.  You should check for basic facilities like grocery store, schools, hospitals, public transport and the like rather, while selecting any location.

Get a hold on your temptation: Don’t go by the sample flat, it is meant to attract customers and includes several furnishings that actual flat won’t have. A sample flat is a decorative item. Therefore, don’t go by what you see and inquire about each and every aspect of the house.

Builder Reputation:  Check the history of the builder/developer as a buyer/investor. Visit old buildings constructed by the same builder, you will be in a position to decide upon the quality standard followed by the builder. Check the past history so that you can make a prediction that whether builder will provide the flat on promised possession date or not.    
Features and Specifications: Features are the building facilities and specifications are related to facilities and amenities provided in the flat. Every Builder/Developer gives host of features and specifications to lure buyers. The important part in this regard is to understand which features and specifications are of real use and which are cosmetic.

Financial helping hand (Loan facility): Builders often rope in banks for hassle-free financing. Banks do a thorough check of the property, and the prospective buyer doesn’t have to go through the hassle of getting the project approved by a bank surveyor for a loan. Bank assures you of sound legal and technical credentials.    

Area Calculations: there are three basic and commonly used terms which you will come across while buying any residential flat/apartment and the list includes: The Carpet Area (area within the four walls), Built up Area (area including the carpet area and area occupied by the walls), Super Built up Area (area including the carpet area, built up area and proportionate of common areas).