Monday 27 April 2015

Ishwar Parmar Group's Hand Full of Earth


Thank you all for an overwhelming response on the Hands full of Earth event. 9675 visitors in 3 days! Now that is commendable, isn’t it?

Quick Flashback:
We started with an idea to experience mother nature at its best. With tribute in our hearts for the ever giving Earth we brought in Hands full of Earth. Presented by Ishwar Parmar Group and brought by Prithwe, this was one of its kind event organized on 17th, 18th and 19th April in lieu with Earth Day that is celebrated globally on 22nd April.

We decided to sponsor this event because:

1.     Our developer fraternity is usually accused of building concrete jungles that harm the nature. With this event we wanted to tell the people that we are a developer with conscience. And we take as many steps possible to preserve and save the nature.

2.     Our Ishwar Parmar Group stands on 4 Cornerstones, "The 4P's" of the group. One of these 4P's is Planet. Where we as a group are always ready to contribute towards earth.

3.     "Constructing Greatness" is not only the positioning line of the group, but also something that the entire team of Ishwar Parmar Group believes.

The Venue:
The entire event was planned and executed at Pingle Farms in Koregaon Park. The entire ambience was transformed into a small green zone. As people stepped in, they were welcomed by Ishwar Parmar Group’s serene sounds of nature inspired from the sounds that are experienced at the Ishwar Parmar homes. The mesmerizing sounds created the nostalgia of moving in a lush green forest. The visually enticing panels by Ishwar Parmar Group welcomed the visitors.

A stupendous tree, crafted by bamboo, with just the branches was placed at the event. People could write their experiences, messages and stick it on the branch, thus making it the leaves of the tree.

The logo of the group became the inspiration as at the entrance, there was a mirror that said “Have a look at yourself before you have experienced the earth" and at the exit another mirror that said “Take a look, now that you have experienced nature". This little deed boosted pride in the hearts of the visitors thus encouraging them to do their bit for Mother Nature.

There were places allocated for the workshops and activities. Catering to all the age groups the wide array of activities here included:

1.     Feel at home - The Parmar's Barefoot Park.

2.     Earth Produce

3.     Earth Science

4.     Earth Art

5.     Earth Sculptures

6.     Earth Music

7.     Earth Games

8.     Parmar’s conscious Earth Build

9.     Earth Store

10.  Earth Workshops

11.  There was music played with earthy elements, small skits blended with loads of entertainment at the venue.

The Magnanimous Response:

9675 people walked in and extended their support. Not only kids but also the adults took the opportunity to celebrate Mother Nature at its best. They enhanced their knowledge by taking active participation in the workshops, enthusiastically took part in creating masterpieces with earthy elements.

The varied expressions during the event added charm to our efforts and brought us all step closer to our planet. The event concluded by creating “Hands full of experience and awareness” towards Mother Earth, thus flourishing that long lasting bond.

Thursday 16 April 2015

Idea behind the Idea | Hands Full Of Earth


The Idea for the event

We all talk about global warming; we all share our concern about the deteriorating condition of the Earth, but how many of us actually take efforts to help the planet? Some of us lack time and direction while others lack awareness.

Do you know there are many evolutionary approaches for grounding and connecting to earth’s rhythm and resonance taking place globally?

In order to create this awareness, we are presenting the Hands full of Earth festival. This 3 day mega celebration will help us show the society a new direction and transform our relationship with planet Earth.

Understanding the concept

Due to lack of time playing in the mud, running around the trees, filling the pocket with pebbles and chasing the birds seems just like those nostalgic childhood memories. The idea of Hands full of Earth is to tingle people’s minds with small and joyful experiences.  The learning through experience lasts longer and thus we have integrated lively experiences with this event.

Wednesday 15 April 2015

The Genesis of International Earth Day

As long as life,
As dear, as free,
I am the Earth
And the Earth is me.

The very first Earth Day was celebrated on April 22, 1970. This day was created by American Senator, Gaylord Nelson, to make people aware of the importance of keeping our planet healthy and clean. On that day, people made promises to help the environment and make positive changes in their community.